What happens when you go to your university… with a mug of coffee in your hands, connect to your university network, try to see what your friends have been doing on facebook, and bang! All you see on your browser screen is “access denied”…
What is your first reaction?? The first reaction for such a misery is nothing but a hasted curse to your ongoing network administrator! Then after some time, when you regain your senses, you promise yourself that someday you’ll unblock these websites, and use facebook in the very domain!!
Well… same example maps to working places and organizations…Why do they block websites?? If you ask some traditional wizard, he’ll say to save their working hours, to avoid distractions, and a lot other things, but a genuine smart would answer, “They block for you to unblock websites”!!
Gone are the times, when unlocking websites, was a difficult task… People have been innovating, and creating ideas for unblocking websites, to the best of them.
Why is there a need to unblock websites?
! To answer this, let’s see why organizations block websites. Organizations block websites to make sure, that the users in the network do not do visit any websites that are hazardous to the interests of the organization. For example: an organization blocks online employment portals, so their employees, concentrate on performing better than concentrating on better job switches!!
But that’s totally in favor of organizations! What about the people working in there, and their independency?? This is one question that brings forth the need to unblock websites. Unblocking websites is necessary to stay independent, because surfing web, wherever and whatever, is your sole right!!!
People have been analyzing a lot of ways to understand how to block websites! A lot of people use online portals to hide their IP addresses!!!
Exactly, a lot of online services are available, that help you unblock websites… unblocking websites can be fun, but at the same time, you really have to be smart!!
You cannot do both in the working hours, that is unblocking your website, and meeting tough deadlines, at your work!
How can online unblocking websites portals be harmful???
Do you know that the proxy servers, which are actually responsible for your “access denied” messages know what you have been serving???
Exactly, your proxy server, maintained by your network administrator is monitoring what requests you send to your web servers and what you get back!! If he gets to know that you’ve been using the online portals, to unblock websites…you might get OFF your job!
For an argument’s sake, lets say, that what if, you bypass his eyes!?
Then, did you know that the site which provide unblocking websites services, might know what you’ve been surfing, where you’ve been connecting, and from where the request is coming???
All of this can cost you more disasters than ever!!!
What is the Best solution to unblocking websites???
A very safe and best solution to unblock all the websites is connecting you to a best and secure VPN connection!!! With a strong VPN solution, you cannot only unblock websites, locked by your system network administrator, but you can also unblock websites of the world!!!
What I mean is, you can now unblock websites, which are restricted to the domain nationals! That is, you get to watch Hulu if you are connected to US server of your VPN connection!! Yes, that is possible, only if you unblock websites using Best VPN connections!! How??
Your VPN provides you with an anonymous IP address which helps you unblock the website, because it easily and securely bypasses your proxy servers!! It provides you full security, while unblocking websites, so your intruders are left way behind!!
All of this is possible, if you have a VPN connection, that serves you with 24/7 protection, and guarantees you an efficient work force, in the form of bandwidth and customer support to help you unblock websites effectively. At we aim to provide you all at your doorstep..All you have to do is to come and give us your requirements, and we shall do it all!! Leave your comments below, and tell us about your experiences of unblocking websites
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